You might see me Daffy. You may think I'm Looney. I'm sorry it Bugs you. For being car-Toon-ey. Have a Great Day! You have no choice! For I have spoken, You've heard my voice. For today is the day In the midst of the week with the best TV shows for the Sci-Fi freak. Roswell at Eight, And Voyager, too, After Seven Days -- I'll tape them for you. I know you may think This poem is quite lame. Just ask my opinion, I'll tell you the same. I know I seem weird For waxing poetic. To uncultured swine, I just seem pathetic. But here in my cube, Alone with my peers, I can be creative Without chugging beers. And so I conclude This poem with a smiley :) From a modern day genius Coyote named Wile E. |